Ah yes, I’ve read this over and over from blogs by authors, agents and publishers – writers have to develop a thick skin – not the type at the end of your fingers from typing so much, but from suffering through an endless, impersonal torrent of rejections.
I’ve been entering short stories competitions for several years now, and have yet to break ‘honourable mention’ or ‘grab-bag winner’ status. Nevertheless, the periodic rejections were spaced widely enough apart not to make to much of a dent in my psychological armour. So no big deal.
I’ve currently got about half-a-dozen short stories circulating out there, searching for a market. To date, lots of ‘thanks, but no thanks’. Again – periodically enough not to get me down.
Now that I’ve finished a novel, however, and the search for agents is underway, the rejections are starting to come in at an accelerated rate. Oh, and I’m reaching out for some freelance work too, to flesh out my writing even more… all to no avail, so far.
So, putting it all together, I’m getting close to having a steady stream of rejections coming in, from four unique sources. It’s starting to suck.
I can see why so many writers throw in the towel. I feel like doing that right now. I mean, what’s the point? All this time and energy spent writing and researching and putting myself out there… for what? Why hasn’t anybody seen my genius yet?
Well, I’m not giving up. I think I’m close. I can’t *quite* feel it yet, but it’s not far away.
Plus, writing is just so much damn fun; why would anyone not want to be a writer for a living?! So let’s keep chipping away. There’s bound to be a few suckers wise individuals out there who’ll eventually end up publishing my stuff… right?! 🙂
Here’s a quote from Pierre S. Dupont IV that fits my situation perfectly, at the moment, and actually does give me a glimmer of hope:
“I’m in a wonderful position; I’m unknown, I’m underrated, and there’s nowhere to go but up.”
Ok – that’s enough moping for now – I’ve got to get back to my world-building for the novel I’m writing during this year’s NaNoWriMo!