Well, the day has arrived – my first official published story was released on January 28th 2017!
… albeit in Kindle-reader format 😉 (but hey – published is published!!!)
The 17th issue of KZINE – a British sci-fi / horror / fantasy / crime magazine created specifically for the mobile reader – features seven short stories, including my tale Flesh.
Flesh follows the story of an octogenarian in his final few days of life, trying in vain to leave his past behind him. Of course, there’s a nasty villain, a space station, a gun fight & a high-speed chase, and — just for good measure — a StarWars-esque fall down a bottomless shaft.
Anyways – I’m very excited, and seeing my name in (electronic) print has been a great boost to my recently lagged productivity at the keyboard. Nothing like some tangible success to get the muse tapping at the window again!
Please check out KZINE, and consider purchasing a copy of the current issue here or here. You won’t be disappointed!
Thanks, Trevor!