I’m going to focus on the idea that Gabriela lays out in her book: “Story is about power struggle”. She outlines three options for protagonists and antagonists to interact, namely,
- protagonists interacting with antagonists with greater power
- protagonists confronting antagonists of equal power; or
- protagonists confronting themselves.
Writing what you’re comfortable with…
Looking back over the stories I’ve written – long and short – I’d have to say that I automatically lean towards the underdog story, whereby the protagonist should not stand a chance against the antagonist – be it individual or institutional. I don’t know that I like that story type best; I just write that way.
…Reading what you like.
The stories I like to read are quite different. I’m drawn to protagonists or (often) supporting characters of great power, such as Lestat, from Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles, or Cormac, of Neal Asher’s Polity universe, or Nynaeve, from Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series.
I guess I like to see the exercise of great strength; perhaps I’m just not comfortable writing about it.
That’ll be the last writing prompt for now! I want to thank Gabriela Pereira and her DIY MFA Program for providing food for thought these last few weeks. Time to get back to drafting my latest novel, THINK, Inc.!
Keep writing!