Hello, and Happy New Year!
Now, I’m not generally a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. However, I’ve been in a bit of a writing lull recently, and have been looking for a way to get my butt back into it. So what better way is there to get motivated than to find inspiration in other people’s New Year’s blogs!?
…but first:
Recap of Writing; Fall of 2017
- Rejections, rejections, rejections. These little messages in my inbox are becoming quite normal now – in fact, part of me gets a little thrill when I read in the preview box: “Hello, thank you for letting us read your story. Unfortunately…”
- CANCON 2017 in Ottawa. It was great to meet some local and international authors, and do some <ugh> networking. Looking forward to next year’s convention!
- Working full-time. This is my excuse for not getting a lot of actual words written this fall. Thankfully, that will all change in February, when I’m back to part time! Yay! (well, it had better change, or Trevor will not be pleased with me…)
- Getting started as a ghost writer… more to follow in a future post!
Ok – onto the motivational part:
Getting Back to Writing in 2018
Two author-bloggers that I follow have done all my work for me for this post.

C. Hope Clark – ready to get writing!
First, Funds for Writers blogger and author of the Edisto Island Mystery series, C. Hope Clark, talks in her New Year’s newsletter about taking a break over the holidays, then getting back into writing – 500 words per day, as a “benchmark minimum”.
Here’s what Hope has to say about January:
This time of year excites me. The whole clean slate sort of thing. In reality the days are no different, but there’s something rejuvenating at having a new chance at making a difference. . . at becoming better. . . at making longer and more productive strides toward a goal.
Read her full post here, and subscribe to her great free newsletter here.
Second, David Farland – renown author of the Runelords series – talks about how he hates the word ‘resolute’, but finds himself always making yearly resolutions. This year’s advice to others is to develop a new relationship with your computer. Here’s an excerpt of his #writing tips for the new year:
…many of your habits are subconscious. Some people teach themselves that the computer is for videogames, or it’s for checking email, or it’s for chatting on Facebook. So when they sit down to the keyboard, by force of habit they immediately begin playing.
But what if you trained yourself to make writing your habit? What if you tried something like this:
Close your eyes and think about something that excites you. Perhaps it’s the idea of getting your first novel published, or maybe it’s an award you’ve won, or just the joy that will come when you complete your novel. Think about it, and let the excitement build for 15 seconds.
Now, sit at your computer, open the file to your work in progress. Do not do anything else. Instead, open your WIP and write one paragraph.
When you’re done with that paragraph, get up from your computer and walk around the room for a moment, thinking about what you might want to do with your work in progress.
Repeat step 1, thinking about something that excites you, and letting the excitement sweep through you.
I like it! Read David’s full post here, and subscribe to his #writing tips by clicking his banner below!

Ok – with that advice in mind, it’s back to my keyboard for another 500 words today!