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Category: woodworking

Social Media Self-Promotion

If I were a superhero, with the ability to soar through the sky (bad knees, so nope), the strength of Hercules (going to physio for tennis elbow, so that’s out too), and a gift for precognition (never would have predicted this as one of my powers, tbh…), I’d – of course – have to have a tragic flaw.  And I know exactly what it would be.

Gary’s Achille’s heel: self-promotion on social media.

Wait. No need to even be that specific. My weakness is social media, plain and simple.

Now, I’m not a troglodyte (I assert to myself regularly), but I am in that particular age bracket that straddles two eras: pre-social media and… well, social media.

I was in university when UNIX-based emailing was just beginning, and I was all over that like a cheap suit.

But after that, something… stalled. 

My path, and the evolution of social media diverged.

Social Media – I Missed the Memo

            MySpace came along in 2003 (I know, cuz I looked it up), then Facebook in 2006 (ditto).  But I missed the boat.  Actually, no – I never even knew there was a boat to begin with. 

I only grew peripherally aware of the existence of these and other platforms as years went by. Had you asked me back then, “Gary, what’s this Facebook thing?” I’d have given you a belligerent stare, then stopped returning your telephone calls to my land line.

How Not to Be a Luddite

            Perhaps not surprisingly, being a teacher of high school students has helped keep me ‘connected’ (I use that term very loosely) to our evolving virtual world.  Via sometimes-confusing, peripheral indoctrination, I have managed to catch on to the ‘what’, if not entirely the ‘why’ of apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, and most recently TikTok.

            Choosing to become an author has also drawn me forward out of the Meghalayan Era.  I force-fed myself WordPress a few years back, to create this website, and even ventured onto LinkedIn and Twitter, finally delving into Wix for my ghostwriting site.

Using Social Media Effectively

            So that brings us to the present.  I get social media now, I do.  At least the ‘what’ and the ‘why’.

            But the ‘how’?  Ugh.

            My first book (under a pseudonym) came out last week. Yay!  What could I have done better throughout that process? The marketing.  The self-promotion.  The ‘how’ to use social media to forward my career.

            And that’s where I am right now.  I could be writing the next chapter of my current science-fiction manuscript right now. Instead, I’m fretting over how many times per day to tweet… not to mention what I should tweet about (seriously – who honestly cares what my thoughts are regarding the Florida woman hit by a flying turtle the other day??).

(for the record, I haven’t lost any sleep over it yet.)

            I know I’m not the only one worrying about this stuff.  Thank goodness for posts like this one from NY Book Editors. Social media self promotion doesn’t have to be a dirty word (phrase?), nor does it have to be that onerous.

            So, take five minutes (and a deep breath) and do your requisite daily tweeting. Then get right back to the fun stuff (writing)! 😉


My standing desk is here, as promised. If my books wrote themselves as easily as this desk built itself, I’d have a dozen published novels under my belt…!

In any case, here are the pics. Check my previous posts here and here that detail the evolution of my desk project.

Desk assembled and stained.
Polyurethane coats on, and set up in my second-office (aka bedroom).

I’m a writer… now own it!

I was in the dentist chair the other week, for the first time since the pandemic began.  I had a new hygienist, and she was doing the normal, get-to-know-you routine before shoving her hands in my mouth.

dentist making oral examine of patient with uv light equipment
Photo by Evelina Zhu on Pexels.com

One of her first questions was, “what do you do?”

Without thinking, I uttered, “Oh, I’m just a writer.”



If you’ve been following my blog, you know I’ve taken a hiatus from teaching to focus entirely on my writing.  Up until that very moment – reclined in the squeaky faux-leather dentist chair as I was – when people asked me what I did, “physics teacher” rolled off my tongue quite easily.  It was a no brainer.

Now that I’ve been away from teaching for over a year, though, it feels less legit to use that automated response.  What am I doing nowadays?  Well, I’m writing.  Actually.  Seriously.

So why the ‘just’?

Oh.  OH. I think I know.

I bet I harbour internalized shame about being a writer, don’t I?

The thought of being a writer is still a secret thrill – like something I can’t believe I’m getting away with, rather than doing a JOB, because… well, because I’m an adult, and adults to JOB’s, right?

I decided to check if I could quantify my shame, to determine if it did indeed exist.

A few Google searches later, I had some options.

First, I tried a ‘guilt and shame’ test… not exactly what I was looking for, but it was worth a try.  It turns out I have a shame level of only 28%, which didn’t help explain where the ‘just’ had come from at all.

Moving forward, I tried something called the ‘Rosenberg self-esteem assessment’.  Turns out I’m quite full of myself, so that was no help either.

I then found myself caught in the weeds reading about the links between guilt, shame and motivation, but clicked back and re-focused my efforts.

Pushing forward, I followed a link to The American Psychological Association, where I read about the TOSCA-3, or ‘Test of Self-Conscious Affect (3rd version)’.  This sounded like the real thing.  Sadly, it wasn’t available for me to try.  Unlike those online tests that revealed secrets about your psyche based on what type of ice cream you like best, the TOSCA-3 was reserved for professional psychological analysis.  I clicked back.

After a bit more searching, I finally came across a seemingly legitimate quiz that dealt with internalized shame.  This would put the whole issue to rest for me, I was sure.

Seven-and-a-half minutes of probing, inner-reflective questions later, the results were in:

You are a procrastinator.

(ok, that was my conclusion, not the quiz’s)

It was time to get back to writing.

It was time for me to… just do it.

Just write.

And that’s what I’m doing – I’m just writing… and you know what?

It’s awesome. 😊


My standing desk is coming along!  (see the design here, in my previous post)

All the pieces are cut, and sanding is underway.

Pieces cut – awaiting sanding and assembly.

 The smell of spring is in the air! With the warmer temperatures, I’ll be able to take the work out onto the driveway.  I’ll pre-finish all the pieces, assemble it, then stain and seal it.

In my next post, I’ll feature the final product in action!

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