After all, it’s a numbers game: send enough of my short stories to enough magazines and/or anthologies, and someone out there is bound to bite, right?
Well, early last week, a UK online magazine accepted my short science fiction story “Flesh” for publication for their January 2017 issue! My first fiction writing success!
“Flesh” is the story of an elderly man who has given up everything for a chance at a new life. But everything is not as it seems (dun, dun, DUN!!!).
I’m truly excited – this is a very significant step for me. Now, I have a ‘publication history’; no longer do I need to leave that part of my submissions or queries blank! I also get to have my fiction read by a much larger circle of people (beyond my husband, and the members of, to which I belong).
I had ‘set’ myself a goal of having my fiction published by the end of 2015 (fully aware that it wasn’t entirely in my hands); I’m pleasantly surprised that I was only off by a few months! 😉
Anyways – enough reveling in my success. I have another set of agent queries to send out, not to mention crafting another couple short stories. I’m also working on getting my freelance b2b copywriting career off the ground, by the end of the month…
Always lots to do, as a writer!